CW Renew/Cancel Watch: Supernatural Gets a New Category

This will be week 22 of the Renew/Cancel Watch. No changes to the predictions, so I am featuring a new category for the network's longest running show. 
Final Season
Certain to be Canceled
Likely to be Canceled
Toss Up
Likely to be Renewed
Certain to be Renewed
Certain to be Renewed Until Hell Freezes Over
Beauty and the Beast

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Jane the Virgin

The 100
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

The Vampire Diaries (F)

The Flash

The Originals (F)

Certain to be Renewed Until Hell Freezes Over...Why the New Category for Supernatural?
Supernatural's retention from Arrow is apparently improving. While Arrow got another 0.9 A18-49 rating, Supernatural stayed steady at a 0.8. Obviously the trend is its friend. Let me remind you, unless there is cast or crew burnout, Supernatural is not going anywhere anytime soon and will be renewed for season 12. 

Midseason Update
It has been announced that Reign will return to the schedule as a lead-in to Jane the Virgin in April, after Crazy Ex-Girlfriend completes its rookie season. Containment will enter the schedule in April, with The Flash is a lead-in. 

It seems like The Vampire Diaries' ratings freefall has slowed down and has since stabilized. Will a final season become likely? Your guess is as good as mine, I still got it on the bubble for the time being. 

It's getting down to the wire for February sweeps, and still no peep from the network. Will we ever get early renewals? Your guess is as good as mine. Let me know in the comments below! 

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